
Posts Tagged ‘life insurance’

Is a Divorce Judgment the Final Step in a Divorce?

Death during a Divorce

In Oregon, a couple is married until the death of one spouse or a judge signs, and the court enters, a formal judgment dissolving the couple’s marriage.  Up until the occurrence of one of these events, the parties are considered married.  Contested divorces generally revolve around who gets what property.  Consequently, when an individual going through a divorce dies during the divorce the question becomes two parts, “what happens to the divorce and who gets what property?” Read more…

Life Insurance and Estate Planning Considerations for Individuals with Minor Children

The use of life insurance is an important tool in the estate planning process.  Married couples with children will obtain life insurance to make sure that that the surviving husband or wife and children are taken care of in the event of a spouse’s untimely death.  Divorced individuals may also have life insurance policies to ensure their children receive appropriate support following their death. Read more…